All Caladium Bulb Varieties

Red Caladium Bulbs

Pink Caladium Bulbs

White Caladium Bulbs

Mixed Caladium Bulbs

Strap Caladium Bulbs

Dwarf Caladium Bulbs

Pink Caladium Bulb Specials

Red Caladium Bulb Specials


Giant Upright Elephant Ears

Giant Regular Elephant Ears


Shipping Information

Caladium Planting Zones

How to plant and store caladium bulbs

Printable Order Form

Gift Certificates






Will be one of the top varieties. May not be variety shown here.

Pink Special caladium buys


25 Bulbs $18.95



50 Bulbs $34.95



100 Bulbs $68.95



200 Bulbs $135.95



50 Bulbs $18.95



100 Bulbs $34.95



200 Bulbs $68.95



400 Bulbs $135.95



12 Bulbs $18.95



25 Bulbs $34.95



50 Bulbs $68.95



broken button please call




#2 Caladium bulbs are 1 to 11/2 inches in diameter. #1 bulbs are 11/2 to 21/2 inches. Jumbo bulbs are 21/2 to 31/2 inches in diameter. In general, larger bulbs produce more and bigger leaves faster. Smaller bulbs will perform just as well given a little more time.